Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tool #2

I had started a Google Reader a long time ago but forgot about it. It was nice to be reminded of it again. I took this opportunity to update my reader and subscribed to blogs I visit frequently and delete blogs that are no longer of interested to me. It is nice to have all of your blogs collected in one place and for reader to keep track of when they are update for you. I plan to visit my Google reader much more often now.

I have a goal for myself to change to Standard based grading next school year. The following are a couple of blogs I have been reading to help become better informed about how teachers implement it in their classrooms.
Blog #1: http://alwaysformative.blogspot.com/
Blog #2: http://blog.msbethea.com/
Blog #3: http://shawncornally.com/wordpress/

I hope to use my blog as a way to share my journey into standard based grading and the development of a more autonomous classroom (motivated by reading the book Drive by Daniel Pink).


  1. Yeah, standards based grading! Kristin got the full presentation the other day, you two are more set up than most to make the transition. The trick will be adapting your testing procedure for multiple attempts at a topic.

  2. I am excited about the transformation it can bring to my classroom. I have always believe that students should have multiple times to show their learning and like that this system of grading has it built in. I am sure I will be asking you questions.

  3. Using 11 tools and blog, students will definitely get multiple times to show their learning and practicing. I hope they will memorize more. Awesome 11 tools.
